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What is Mind-body Psychology?

What is Mind-body Psychology?

Mind-body psychology, also known as psychophysiology or biopsychology, is a field of study that explores the complex interactions between the mind (mental processes and emotions) and the body (physiological functions and bodily responses). It examines how...

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The Power of Letting Go

The Power of Letting Go

In a month where spring cleaning is often the focus, what are some things we need to let go? What are the emotions, thoughts, feelings are we holding onto that aren’t serving us?  Often emotions that are weighing us down come in the form of shame and regret - close...

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Self Care: The Whys and Hows

Self Care: The Whys and Hows

We’ve all heard the directions for the oxygen mask on the airplane, right? Before takeoff, the flight attendants remind you that you have to put your mask on before you help others with theirs. So it goes with the concept of self care: We have to help ourselves first,...

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New Beginnings

New Beginnings

A new year often means new beginnings. While that may not look the same for each of us, any new beginning first requires taking an honest inventory.  Embarking on the journey of self-exploration can be scary, especially when it comes to taking a clear look at...

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Talking with Kids During Collective Uncertainty

Talking with Kids During Collective Uncertainty

By Holly Schweitzer Dunn, LISW Another terribly confusing, scary crisis.  Watching a mob of angry people flood into a building that is a symbol of everything we take for granted- freedom, safety, personal opinion, free speech, cooperation, working for the greater...

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Practice Makes Present

Practice Makes Present

Letting go is a lifetime practice but often feels very cerebral. “Easier said than done,” we might say. So if you’re practicing an attitude of release, here are a few things to support your practice.

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Let Go: 5 Things to Release During Election Season

Let Go: 5 Things to Release During Election Season

  We wouldn't serve you well if we didn't address the political climate of 2020. While each of our therapists and staff hold their own unique political opinions, as an office we simply encourage you to exercise your voice in our democracy. While taking in the...

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The Beginning of Knowledge

The Beginning of Knowledge

Jon Kabat Zinn uses the concept of the Beginner’s Mind in his 9 Attitudes of Mindfulness. This way of thinking asks a person to come into a situation without assumptions or expectations, and it’s the posture for true learning. The Beginner’s Mind allows for “I don’t...

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Possibility within change

Possibility within change

The meditation for July 16th in my Greg Henry Quinn book 365 Meditations for Teachers is: "Everything in Life is Cyclical." This axiom provides a warning: if things are going well, prepare yourself. It also provides eternal hope. No matter how bad things are, they...

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Treatment during COVID

Treatment during COVID

As we've shared with our clients already, it's important to continue with mental health treatment when possible during our current pandemic to provide stability to more tumultuous times. But many people who aren't already under the care of a mental health practitioner...

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Benefits of Telehealth

Benefits of Telehealth

Mind Body Health Associates moved all appointments to a virtual platform a month ago. Conducting our type of deeply personal and relational work through a screen and microphone was bound to change the dynamics of the appointments and our staff greeted these potential...

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